“What's outstanding about it is its broad-spectrum activity”

Jonathan Blake, ADAS

Trusted broad-spectrum disease control

Independent assessments of iblon®’s disease control performance demonstrate its superior protection compared with other leading fungicides.

Across a combined total of 27 trials spanning three years and at sites across England, iblon was found to deliver consistently high-level protection against a range of diseases, regardless of application timing.

Bar chart showing Vimoy + Proline has equal or better disease control performance then it's rivals against Septoria (T1), Septoria (T2), Yellow rust (T1), Brown rust (T2) and Eyespot (T1)
Septori tritici

In severe situations, Septoria tritici can reduce yields by up to 50%. In trials spanning three seasons (2021-23), iblon applied at T1 was found to deliver better control of Septoria than other fungicides used at this timing.

Barchart showing Vimoy + Proline outperforms Revystar XE and Univoq XE when it comes to disease control against Septoria
Photos showing how Septoria tritici impacts Vimoy + Proline treated crops compared to untreated, Revystar & Univoq
Yellow rust

Yellow rust is prominent in wheat crops across the UK with yield losses as high as 40-50% in severe cases, according to research by the AHDB. In trials spanning three seasons (2021-23), iblon demonstrated excellent preventative and curative control of yellow rust that was on a par with products containing Solatenol®, such as Elatus® Era when applied at the T1 timing.

Barchart showing Vimoy + Proline provides more control against Yellow rust than Elatus
Photos showing how Yellow rust impacts Vimoy + Proline treated crops the least compares to untreated at T1 & Elatus Era
Brown rust

Common across the southern and eastern regions of England, brown rust is often harder to control than yellow rust. The average yield penalty is about 15% but severe infections can reduce yield by as much as 40%, according to research by the AHDB. In trials spanning three seasons (2021-23), iblon demonstrated higher levels of brown rust control than other fungicides applied when applied at the T2 timing.

Photos showing much healthier crop leaves of those treated with Vimoy + Proline at T2 compared to untreated

Stem-based diseases such as eyespot attack the vascular system, impeding nutrient and water transport. This results in weakened stems, increased lodging and reduced grain fill. Research by the AHDB found that yield losses from eyespot were typically about 5% but can be as much as 30% in severe infections, even in the absence of lodging. iblon, applied as Vimoy®, in combination with Proline (prothioconazole), has been shown to deliver greater control of eyespot than seen with Ascra® Xpro (bixafen + fluopyram + prothioconazole).

Two line graphs showing Vimoy + Proline offers more control against both W-Type (Oculimacula yallundae) & R-Type (Oculimacula acuformis) Eyespot compared to Proline and Ascra
Mildew & Fusarium

In combination with Proline® (prothioconazole), iblon’s spectrum of activity is extended to include Fusarium and mildew, thereby ensuring excellent protection against the principal foliar threats.

Ring showing the benefits of Vimoy + Proline. Protection against Septoria tritici, Yellow rust, Brown rust, Eyespot, Fusarium & Powdery mildew. As well as extending crop greening

Extended greening means higher yield

Vimoy® has been proven to deliver yield benefits irrespective of disease pressure. Through enhanced green-leaf area retention Vimoy supports higher yields by:

  • Increasing chlorophyll production
  • Improves photosynthetic efficiency
  • Delays senescence
  • Mitigates abiotic stress

Research by the University of Reading shows that for every day after flowering green leaf area is retained above 37%, yield increases by 0.15 T/ha. In independent trials performed in 2019, iblon was found to maintain green leaf area at no less than 37% for eight days over the untreated and three days more than crops receiving Ascra® Xpro at the same spray timing. In this trial, Vimoy + Proline® delivered a yield gain of 0.46 T/ha over Ascra Xpro when applied at the T2 timing (see chart).

Barchart showing Vimoy + Proline treated crops have higher yield then untreated and even offers an extra 0.46 T/ha over Ascra Xpro at T2
Photo of a field of wheat

Proven in the field

See how iblon performed with growers

Find out more

Ascra® Xpro® contains bixafen, fluopyram and prothioconazole. Firefly® contains prothioconazole and fluoxastrobin. Proline® 275 contains prothioconazole. Vimoy® (iblon®) contains isoflucypram. Revystar® XE contains mefentrifluconazole and fluxapyroxad. Univoq® XE contains fenpicoxamid and prothioconazole. ZonorTM contains tebuconazole. Elatus® Era contains benzovindiflupyr and prothioconazole. Vimoy®, iblon®, Proline®, Firefly® Ascra® and Xpro® are registered Trade Marks of Bayer. All other brands listed are Trade Marks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. © Bayer CropScience Limited 2024.